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Four selected projects of civil society organisations within PROTEUS

PROTEUS is a project under the CERV programme of the European Union, which aims to strengthen the sustainability of civil society organisations and support democratic participation through training and financial support.

The review procedure of the project proposals submitted to the call for funding civil society organizations' projects under PROTEUS is now closed. By the deadline of 22 July, 38 applications were received, with 4* selected for approval: Association "Future for Glavan", Foundation "Ecological Manifesto - MANECO", Foundation "HALO 2019" and Association "Tsarski Pirshtovi". More information about the projects will be soon available on our website.

*Five projects were selected for approval, but contracts were signed with four of the organizations, as one of them withdrew after approval.

The PROTEUS project is funded by the CERV (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values) program of the European Union. Responsibility for this content lies with the Transatlantic Foundation and the project partners. This content does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

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